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Youth promoting Agroecology through Integrated Land Use Management for Nutrition Enhancement and Income Diversity.

The youth-promoting agroecology through integrated land use management for nutrition enhancement and income diversity project is being implemented by SCOPE with funds from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Global environment facility Small Grants Project. The project seeks to increase nutrition in schools and diversify incomes in order to meet the schools’ needs.  The project directly targets 865 school-going youth and children and 59 out of school youth aged 15-35 from three schools Musavezi Primary school, Tumba Primary School, and Nyamakari Secondary School. The targeted schools are located in Wards 12 and 13 of the Shurugwi District. 

About The Project

  1. To build the capacity of schools and villages in Shurugwi wards 13 and 15 for forest and agricultural land management in order to restore local ecosystem services essential in addressing nutrition and livelihood needs.

  2. To facilitate an enabling environment for youth, children, and adults to plan, monitor, adapt and advocate for sustainable forest and land use management.

  3. To engage children and youth in focusing on practical sustainable land use and forest management in Shurugwi to secure the continued flow of multiple ecosystem services such as; water provision, soil control, carbon storage, and sequestration essential in providing for the nutrition, dietary and livelihood requirements.

  4. To enable youths, adults, and children to undertake social enterprises (in line with the new curriculum life skills and applied to learn) in plants and beekeeping in order for them to diversify their incomes and improve their livelihoods.

Send us an email if you have any questions about the project.

For More Information

©2022 by SCOPE Zimbabwe.

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