Several schools managed to successfully participate in celebrating this year's World Water Day-themed "Groundwater, making the invisible visible" on 22 March 2022.
Glenview 6 Primary School
Students at Glenview 6 Primary celebrated World Water Day by carrying out initiatives that Slow - Spread - Sink water. The school worked with learners and also engaged people living with disabilities in the community.
It is the goal of SCOPE Zimbabwe to ensure that our approach is holistic and inclusive and we are proud to see the schools we work with, adopting these values in their agroecological initiatives.
Poshayi Primary School
Students at Poshayi Primary School celebrated the day by establishing a Food Forest in the school garden. They managed to plant 20 trees which they later mulched to conserve the moisture around the plants.
Chivakanenyanga Secondary School and Chirumba High School
Students at the 2 schools celebrated the day by mulching the school pathways and gardens surrounding the classroom blocks.
Chivakanenyanga Secondary School
Chirumba High School