SCOPE Zimbabwe National Coordinator represented the organization at the Sustainable Food Planet To Planet Festival on 16 June 2021. She was featured in the Make-It-Grow presentation during the Institute for Sustainable Food 3 day event.
Planet to Plate was an online festival celebrating and sharing research and projects being implemented across the globe aiming to address food security and sustainability.
As part of the Make-It-Grow presentation, our National Coordinator spoke about SCOPE's fundraising campaign for the procurement of a 1000 capacity egg incubator in support of a school-based feeding program at Vainona High School in Harare.
The project will ensure students have enough food to attend school and learn without an empty stomach!
You can take part in the fundraising campaign by donating here: https://www.givengain.com/.../vainona-high-healthy.../
The video below is a snippet of what she had to say: