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“Poverty and hunger now a past tense”, Poshayi Primary


Poshayi primary is one of the schools in Zimbabwe that has benefited from grow your own cook your own and eat your own initiative by SCOPE Zimbabwe. Under the green schools for nutrition enhancement project, Poshayi Primary managed to grow different vegetables and herbs which they are now providing lunch for their learners and sell the surplus of the staff.

The school is very grateful for this development and says hunger and poverty are now talk of the past at Poshayi, “the concept grow your own, cook your own and eat your own is now taking shape at the school. Poverty and hunger is now past tense. Lunch time for the infants that is three to seven years starts at 1pm. They are served with a healthy meal from the gardens. Healthy body promotes healthy mind which leads to good academic performance of the child”, says Poshayi School project focal person.

Poshayi Primary school learners planting and nursing pigeon pea

Learners at Poshayi School harvesting carrots at their nutrition garden



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