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Ecovillage@Chitubu Welcomes A Second Borehole.


We cannot even begin to describe our deepest gratitude for the support with the drilling of the second borehole. All we can say is Thank You to our funding partners Bread for the world. We can now grow as much food during the coming heat days.

Chitubu/ Exaphozini plays an important role as a demonstration site for the schools and communities for agroecological practices; showcasing the emphasis on diversity, rainwater harvesting, natural farming ways, traditional and ecological knowledge sharing.

Chitubu/ExaPhozini EcoVillage is an off-grid permaculture center that runs on 100% renewable energy and 100% locally grown food. As such, SCOPE Zimbabwe has been making strides to ensure that more facilities are installed at the center to ensure smooth operation of the center.

It is based on this premise that SCOPE Zimbabwe invested additional funds into setting up an additional borehole to complement the current. solar-powered borehole, which was installed in April 2019 The current borehole is powered by a 600W Solar Pump but has been failing to ensure sufficient water supply.

As such, funding was availed and a company engaged to drill an additional borehole at the center. The new borehole sunk to a depth of 70m.

Such developments are critical in ensuring that the center achieves its goal of being one of the best Eco-Village and Sustainable Lifestyle Learning centers in Zimbabwe. Chitubu/ExaPhozini already takes pride in being one of the best models in advocating for holistic health and providing environmental education.

If you are interested in knowing more about the Chitubu/ExaPhozini, you can read more about the center here.



©2022 by SCOPE Zimbabwe.

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